1. Saat ini, gw lagi nganggur, n trust me, it's not a pleasant circumstance. Kenapa gw nganggur? Well, 2 minggu yg lalu masa per-koas-an gw di RS Sardjito/ FK UGM telah berakhir,, Nggak ada lagi dateng-ke-RS-tiap-hari-dan-bekerja-keras-walo-tanpa-dibayar stuffs. Sementara, pelantikan dokter masih awal Februari, dan Ujian Kompetensi Dokter Indonesia masih minggu ke-3 Februari, dan (kalo lulus) gw baru dapet STR alias Surat Tanda Register 1 bulan sebelumnya. Well, di masa lalu, koas-koas yg nganggur di fase seperti ini biasa magang di klinik-klinik di Karawang, Bogor, atau manapun yg mau mempekerjakan koas. Asik banget sih, dibayar sekaligus dapet pengalaman. Tapi, baru-baru ini departemen kesehatan lagi rajin-rajinnya razia di klinik-klinik sehingga koas-koas tak ber-STR are really prone to be prosecuted. Ogah lah gw kena masalah hukum,, Sehingga, saat ini gw lagi ga ada ide harus ngapain selain ngurus2 nilai di kampus/ RS dan melakukan beberapa aktivitas sampingan yg dapat memberi manfaat (baik secara finansial, misalnya jadi juri di lomba debat dan melatih debat di SMK, ataupun secara fisik, misalnya berenang tiap hari). I need a refreshing moment, for real.
2. I've been single, n the fact that 3 of my friends got new boy/ girlfriends this week really doesn't help much. It started to devastate me! I mean, some people keep on tellin me that I'm good lookin, eye catchy, smart, nice, friendly, n other positive adjectives u might find in dictionary. Well it's so nice of them to tell me so, but here's one thing to start with, I don't think I'm that extraordinary. Don't get me wrong. I'm comfortable bein myself, n I believe I'm havin great qualities other might not possess. But I also believe that sometimes people are just too narrow to be able to see those stuffs. My friend might not fall into that group, but seemingly, people who I get a crush on do. Simple evidence, within these 3 days I got a crush on several people n none of them seemed to even try to approach me. I did approach them, yet it didn't really come into avail. So, a single night out will really help.
3. I was kinda tired runnin here n there, ngurus nilai2 n syarat2 kelulusan. Yesterday I asked my friend if there is anythin we need to do regardin the graduation. Well, apparently there are several requirements we need to fulfill. Ngurus surat bebas pinjam buku di perpus RS (which, for God's sake, I never visited throughout this 1,5 year), bebas pinjam rekam medis (which I didn't even acknowledge as a part of the very hospital I've been in for 1,5 year). Bein obliged to run here n there was one thing, but what surprised me was the fact that we had to pay for those stuffs! Kaget aja gw, buat ngurus surat2 itu qta harus bayar. Emang sih bayarnya gak nyampe goban, tp tetep aja, masa buat dapet selembar kertas keterangan qta harus bayar? Wasn't this a form of pungutan liar? Well, probably they need some money for operational stuffs, maintenance, or whatever they call it, but at least show us why chargin everyone who asks for a piece of paper is justifiable!
Well, based on those reasons, there I was, with 3 friends, goin to the mall, spendin money for some cakes n movie tickets, hangin out n havin fun. N I want to do it again!! This is holiday season, n there will be sale, I guess. Hufft, don't you think I need a special person to spend this Christmas n New Year with?
1 comment:
lol you do! You should take ur mom out ;)
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