Friday, January 2, 2009

Serasa Anak Pantai,,!!

Dalam 8 hari terakhir, gw udah 3 kali ke pantai! Yg terakhir, kmaren tgl 31 Desember alias hari terakhir di tahun 2008 gw ke pantai Sepanjang, Gunungkidul sama temen2 EDS. Puas bgt dah makan lobster (di pantai Baron) trus maen aer mpe sore! Sepulangnya dari pantai, qta nongkrong di McD nunggu pergantian tahun.

Huuft, tiap taun baru dateng, rasanya ada kewajiban moral buat memperbaiki diri, yg diwujudkan dengan membuat resolusi-resolusi,, But as much as I love improvin myself, this time I just have no idea of what should I do -- in the near future-- in ordfer to make such a change.

Nevertheless, I do enjoy my recent days and activities. Or should I say, not-so-many-activities, hehe. I spent much more time with my friends this couple last weeks than I did before. And I found it amusing, indeed.

Well, as to start this new year, I'd say HAPPY NEW YEAR to all of you!! May we achieve more n become better people. Cliche, yet not that easy to attain.

Luph u all =)

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